
MANCINI Maria Cecilia

Professore di I fascia

GOOGLE SCHOLAR Citazioni: 4285; h-index: 19
SCOPUS Citazioni: 396; h-index: 12
ISI WOS Citazioni 376; h-index 11

Research projects
• FOOD IMPROV’IDERS (2020-2022) “Provide producers with fit-for-purpose knowledge to develop new sustainable foods chain models improving their revenue and enhancing consumers’ satisfaction”, ERASMUS + KA204 - Strategic Partnerships for adult education, KA204-2C0B8427 D.
• AGRICORE (2019-2023) “Agent-Based Support Tool For The Development Of Agriculture Policies”, H 2020, No. 816078.
• SEU (2018-2021) “Innovations in Socially Engaged Universities”, ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership, 2018-1-UK01-KA203-048046.
• Deputy Leader per S2F - Strength2food (2016-2021) “Sustainable food chains through public policies: the cases of the EU quality policy and of public sector food procurement” H2020-N. 768024.
• Task Leader per EUWelNet (2013) "Coordinated European Animal Welfare Network" EU Pilot Project (Call for proposals SANCO 2012/10293).
• IPTS Tender (2011) "Deriving from FADN data quantitative information on mountain agricultural products supply chains in the EU" - Tender No. IPTS-2011-J05-53-NC.
• Focus Balkans (2009-2011) "Food consumer science in the Balkans: Frameworks, Protocols, and Networks for a better knowledge of food behaviours", EC Contract No. FP7- 212579.
• Welfare Quality (2004-2008) “Integration of animal welfare in the food quality chain: from public concern to improved welfare and transparent quality EC Contract”, No. FP6- FOOD-CT-2004-506508.
• EU Tender (2007) "Evaluation of the CAP policy on protected designations of origin (PDO) and protected geographical indications (PGI)" - Tender No. AGRI / 2007-G4-04.
• Siner-GI (2005-2008) "Strengthening International Research on Geographical Indications: from research foundation to consistent policy”, EC Contract No. FP6-2003-SSP-3– 006522.
• Concerted Action Dolphins (2000-2003) "Development of origin labelled products: humanity, innovation and sustainability”, EC Contract No. QLK5-2000-00593.
• Medafor (1998-2001) "Consequences for the Mitigation of Desertification of EU Policies affecting Forestry activity: A combined socio-economic and physical environmental approach”, EC Contract No. ENV4-CT97-0686.

Other research activities at qualified Universities and research Institutes

• 2020 – Local Coordinator for a Horizon 2020 proposal: APOLLO-“Adding Power, Optimizing Local food chains, Launching new Opportunities for sustainable rural development”.
• 2017 – Principal investigator of a ERASMUS + KA2 proposal: KNOW GI - “Knowledge transfer and developing skills for the implementation of sustainable Geographical Indication (GI) systems in Viet Nam”.
• 2006 – Research assignment by DG AGRI (Commissione Europea) in the framework of the “EU Pilot Project - Food Quality Schemes" project - JRC Joint Research Centre.

Assignments of Expert evaluator of research projects
• 2021 – Assignment of expert evaluator of proposals for “H2020 - Green Deal Call Evaluation - Farm-to-Fork Strategy” from the European Commission.
• 2013 – Evaluator for CINECA, FIRB projects.

Scientific and Organising Committee membership in International Congresses and Seminars
• 2022 - Local Organising committee member, IX EAAE PhD Workshop 22-24 June 2022, Parma (Italy).
• 2021 – Scientific Committee member, Seminar (on line) “Towards the future of food: the cultured meat between food safety, sustainability and public perception” (September, 27th).
• 2017 - Local Organising committee member, XV EAAE - Congress “Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems: Balancing between Markets and Society” (August 28th – September 1st, Parma).
• 2015 - Scientific and Local Organising committee member, 145th EAAE International Seminar “Intellectual Property Rights for Geographical Indications: what is at stake in the TTIP?” (April 14-15, Parma).
• 2013- Local Organising committee member, 2nd AIEAA Conference "Between Crisis and Development: Which Role for the Bio-Economy", June 6-7 2013, Parma.

Invited speaker at international International Seminars and Congresses
• 2019 - Invited speaker on “Novel food e percezione del consumatore”, Session "L'impatto delle nuove tecnologie nel settore alimentare tra innovazione, diritto e sicurezza", Conferenza "ICON-S Italian Chapter", Firenze, November 22-23.
• 2017 – Invited speaker on “Sustainability Indicators for Geographical Indication and Rural Development: Theoretical Framework, Methodology and Feedback from Pilot Cases in the Context of the H2020 Strength2food Project” Mancini Maria Cecilia, Arfini Filippo, Antonioli Federico, Bellassen Valentin, Donati Michele, Gorton Matthew, Tocco Barbara, Menozzi Davide, Veneziani Mario, Bodini Antonio XXXVIII Conferenza AISRE ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA DI SCIENZE REGIONALI Cagliari (CA), September 20-22.
• 2016 – Invited speaker on “Developing the concept of livestock value chains. Livestock value chains viewed by an economist”, “Expert Meeting on the development/strengthening of small producers livestock value chain, and value addition to livestock products” FAO, held at CIHEAM - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies, March 9-10.
• 2010 – Invited speaker "Food safety tra regolamentazione pubblica e privata". Convegno IDAIC (Istituto di diritto agrario internazionale e comparato) “Agricoltura e In-Sicurezza Alimentare, tra Crisi della Pac e Mercato Globale”, Siena, October 21-22.
• 2010 – Invited speaker "Regulatory Framework and Private Innovation for Animal Welfare Friendly Products". Second workshop on pig welfare “Improving Implementation of EU legislation”. European Union - Animal Health and Welfare Directorate, Parma, November 11.
• 2005 – Presentation "Development of Origin Labelled Products: Humanity, Innovations and Sustainability." Conference on Geographical Indications (GIs) and Sustainable Rural Development: “Exploring the connections”. Department of Rural Sociology, University of Missouri-Columbia, St. Louis (USA), May 16-18.

Seminar and Congress partecipation
2019 - 8th AIEAA Conference Tomorrow’s Food: Diet transition and its implications on health and the environment, Pistoia, 13-14 June, 2019, Presentation: “Sustainability, Innovation and Rural Development: The Case of Parmigiano-Reggiano PDO” Arfini F., Cozzi E., Donati M., Guareschi M., Mancini M.C., Veneziani M.
2018 - 64th EAAE Seminar on “Preserving Ecosystem Services via Sustainable Agro-food Chains”, Relazione: CIHEAM-Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (CIHEAM -MAICh), Crete, Greece (5-7 September, 2018), Presentation: “Producers’ and Consumers’ Perception of the Sustainability of Short Food Supply Chains: The Case of Parmigiano Reggiano PDO” Mancini, M. C., Menozzi, D., Donati, M., Biasini, B., Veneziani, M., & Arfini, F.
2018 - VII Congreso Internacional de Agroecología Córdoba, “Agroecología y Soberanía ALIMENTARIA:(re)politizando los sistemas agroalimentarios”, 31 de mayo 2018, Presentation: Construyendo espacios participativos de gestión de las RAA: el caso del Parco Commestibile de Reggio Emilia (Italia) Guareschi M., Mancini M.C., Arfini F., Mantovi P.

2018 - VIII Congreso Internacional De Sistemas Agroalimentarios Localizados, Sial “Estrategias de innovación para el desarrollo territorial y la superación de la pobreza y la desigualdad rural Manizales, Colombia”, 13 al 15 de noviembre de 2018, Presentation: “La Construcción De Redes Agroalimentarias Y Formas De Gobernanza En Los Sistemas Agroalimentarios Localizados (Syal): El Caso Del “Parco Commestibile” de Reggio Emilia (Italia) Guareschi M., Arfini F., Mancini M.C., Graziano P.
2018 - 13th WICaNeM Wageningen International Conference on Chain and Network Management, 2 July, 2018, Ancona, Presentation: “Understanding the sustainability of short food supply chains in urban and rural areas” Menozzi D., Mancini M.C., Donati M., Biasini B., Veneziani M., Lucini A., Arfini F.
2018 - 7th AIEAA Conference “Evidence-based policies to face new challenges for agri-food systems”, 14 - 15 June, 2018 CIRVE (Centro Interdipartimentale per la Ricerca in Viticoltura ed Enologia), University of Padova, Conegliano (TV), Italy, Presentation: “Exploring the role of short food supply chains in rural agro-mountain areas: the case of the Appennino Tosco-Emiliano National Park” Mancini, M. C., Menozzi, D., Donati, M., Biasini, B., Veneziani, M., Arfini F.
2017 - XXXVIII Conferenza AISRE (Associazione Italiana di Scienze Regionali), 20-22 Settembre 2017, Cagliari, Presentation: “Sustainability Indicators for Geographical Indication and Rural Development: Theoretical Framework, Methodology and Feedback from Pilot Cases in the Context of the H2020 Strength2food Project” Mancini M.C., Arfini F., Antonioli F., Bellassen V., Donati M., Gorton M., Tocco B., Menozzi D., Veneziani M., Bodini A.
2017 - XV EAAE Congress “Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems: Balancing between Markets and Society”, Agost 28 agosto – September 1, 2017, Parma, Presentation: "The Parmigiano Reggiano cheese from the Middle Ages to the third Millennium: changing the rules in the name of quality and tradition" Arfini F., Mancini M.C. e Guareschi M.
2016 – XX Conferenza ICABR "Transforming the Bioeconomy: Behavior, Innovation and Science", Ravello, 26 June, 2016, Presentation: “Consumer Willingness to Pay (WTP) for Improved Animal Welfare: the Case of Fresh Pork Meat in Italy” Veneziani, M., Menozzi, D., Sogari, G., Arfini, F. e Mancini, M. C.;
2016 - 7th International Conference on Localized Agri-Food Systems 8-10 May 2016, Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden, Presentation: “Producers’ Strategies for an Italian Protected Designation of Origin Product. Between Economic Crisis and Quality Consumers’ Expectations - the Short Food Supply Chains” Mancini M.C., Arfini F.
2015 - 145 EAAE International Seminar “Intellectual Property Rights for Geographical Indications: What is at stake in the TTIP?”, Presentation: "Innovation and marketing strategies for PDO products: the case of Parmigiano Reggiano as an ingredient" Mancini M.C. e Consiglieri C., 14-15 April, 2015, Università di Parma (Italy).
2013 - 2nd AIEAA Congress “Between Crisis and Development: Which Role for the Bio-Economy”, June 6-7 2013, Parma, Presentation: "Local institutions and territorial competitiveness in the case of Parmigiano Reggiano localised production system" Arfini F. e Mancini M.C.
2010 - IDAIC Congress (Istituto di diritto agrario internazionale e comparato) “Agricoltura e In-Sicurezza Alimentare, tra Crisi della Pac e Mercato Globale”, October 21-22 Siena, Presentation: "Food safety tra regolamentazione pubblica e privata" Giacomini C. e Mancini M.C.
2010 - International EAAE SYAL Seminar "Spatial dynamics in agri-food systems: implications for sustainability and consumer welfare", October 27-29 2010 University of Parma, Parma, Presentation: "The role of industrial district and spatial dynamics of agri-food systems in the globalization era" Sforzi F. e Mancini M.C.
2009 - XLVI Convegno di Studi SIDEA “Cambiamenti nel sistema alimentare: nuovi problemi, strategie, politiche”, September 16-19 settembre 2009, Piacenza, Presentation: "Rapporto “sicurezza alimentare - benessere animale”: un’indagine nel sistema agroalimentare italiano" Arfini F. e Mancini M.C.
2008 – 2nd EAAE (European Association of Agricultural Economists) International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, February 18-20 2008 Innsbruck-Igls (Austria), Presentation: "Quality markers and consumer communication strategies: empirical evidence in the ‘very fresh’ sector in Italy" Arfini F., Giacomini C. e Mancini M.C.
2009 - SINERGI – AREPO Joint Seminar "Geographical Indications in European Commission Communication on agricultural product quality policy", October 22-23 2009 Bastia (Corse), Presentation: "The role of collective organisations for the success of PDO-PGI: some evidences from Italy".
2007 - 17th IAMA (International Food and Agribusiness Management Association) Annual World Symposium, “Food Culture - Tradition, Innovation and Trust: A Positive Force for Modern Agribusiness”, June 23-24 2007 Parma, Italy, Presentation: "The new competitive environment and the challenge facing integrated logistics: the fruit and vegetable sector" Giacomini C., Mancini M.C., Barbieri S., Caccamisi D.
2007 - “1st EAAE International European Forum on Innovation and System Dynamics in Food Networks”, Innsbruck-Igls (Austria), Presentation: "Private Innovation and Public Innovation: who leads and who follows?”.
2007 - 17th IAMA (International Food and Agribusiness Management Association) Annual World Symposium, “Food Culture - Tradition, Innovation and Trust: A Positive Force for Modern Agribusiness”, June 23-24 2007 Parma, Italy, Presentation: "The new competitive environment and the challenge facing integrated logistics: the fruit and vegetable sector" Giacomini C., Mancini M.C., Barbieri S., Caccamisi D.
2006 - 99th EAAE (European Association of Agricultural Economists) Seminar “Trust and Risk in Business Networks”, February 8-10 2006, University of Bonn, Bonn (Germania), Presentation: "Animal welfare in the CAP and large-scale distribution. Public social policy and consumer trust" Arfini F., Cernicchiaro S. e Mancini M.C.
2006 - Convegno ALTER “Alimentation Et Territoires” – 18-21 ottobre 2006 Baeza (Jaén), Spagna, Presentation: "Les stratégies de développement de la coopération agroalimentaire: le cas de la filière vitivinicole en Italie" Giacomini C. e Mancini M.C.
2005 - Colloque International SFER ENITA “Au nom de la qualité Quelle(s) qualité(s) demain, pour quelle(s) demande(s)?” 5-6 ottobre 2005 Clermont-Ferrand (Francia), Presentation: "La réponse de la Grande Distribution à l’évolution des modèles de consommation alimentaire” Giacomini C. e di Mancini M.C.
2003 - 82nd EAAE Seminar “Quality assurance, risk management and environmental control in agriculture and food supply networks”, May 14-16, 2003, Bonn University, Bonn, Presentation: "British Retail Consortium (BRC) Standard: a New Challenge for Firms Involved in the Food Chain. Analysis of Economic and Managerial Aspects" Arfini F. e Mancini M.C.
2002 - 17th IFSA (International Farming Systems Association) Symposium “Meeting the challenges of sustainable livelihoods and food security in diverse rural communities”, November 17-20 2002, Lake Buena Vista, Florida (USA), Presentation: "Case study on the traceability systems in the fruit and vegetable sector" Mancini M.C. e Giacomini C.
2002 - SYAL Seminar “Local agri-food systems: products, enterprises and the local dynamics”, October 16-18 2002, Montpellier (Francia), Presentation: "Intermediate institutions and local development: the Parmigiano Reggiano case" Arrighetti A. e Mancini M.C.
2002 - VII Convegno nazionale interdisciplinare CISAPA (Comitato Studi Agribusiness Paesaggio & Ambiente) “La valorizzazione delle aree rurali e del territorio”, Udine, 7-8 novembre 2002, Presentation: "Le strade del vino: uno strumento di sviluppo rurale" Arfini F., Mancini M.C., Bertoli E. e Donati M.
2001 - XXXVIII Convegno SIDEA (Società Italiana degli Economisti Agrari) “Servizi in agricoltura”, 27-29 settembre, 2001 Catania, Presentation: "Il ruolo dei consorzi fidi nell’accesso al credito delle aziende agricole: aspetti teorici ed evidenze empiriche" Mancini M.C., Scaramuzzi S., Milani F.
2001- 73rd EAAE Seminar "Policy experiences with rural development in a diversified Europe", June 28-30 2001, Ancona, Presentation: "Farmers’ perception of EU Agricultural and Environmental Policies"
2001 - V AIEAA International Symposium “Perspectives of the Agri-food System in the new Millenium”, September 5-8 2001, Bologna, Presentation: "A study case about a traceability system in the fruit and vegetable chain” Giacomini C. e Mancini M.C.
2001 - V AIEAA International Symposium “Perspectives of the Agri-food System in the new Millenium”, September 5-8 2001, Bologna, Presentation: "The traceability of rise: a study case” Mancini M.C., Mora C., Mascellino G., Guerra G., Baccarini G.
2001 - 75th EAAE Seminar “E-commerce and electronic markets in agribusiness and supply chains”, Bonn (Germania) February 14-16 2001, Presentation: "Parmigiano Reggiano cheese and @market revolution: dream o reality?” Arfini F. e Mancini M.C.
Moderator and discussant
• September 2021 – Moderator for “EFSA International Summer school", organized by EFSA with the School of Advanced Studies on Food and Nutrition of the University of Parma and the University Sacro Cuore of Piacenza.
• September 2021 – Moderator for the International Seminar (on line) “Towards the future of food: the cultured meat between food safety, sustainability and public perception”.
• 2007 - Discussant for the "Sector Development Alternatives" Session, 1st International European Forum on Innovation and System Dynamics in Food Networks, February 15-17, 2007 Innsbruck-Igls, Austria.

Advisory and Editorial Boards membership for scientific Journals

• 2019, Guest Editor of the Special Issue “Motivations, drivers and barriers to the development of sustainable agri-food systems and consumption patterns” Sustainability, MDPI, ISSN:2071-1050.
• From 2017, Advisory Board member for Cambridge Scholar Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom.
• From 2012, Editorial Board member for Sviluppo Locale, Rosenberg e Sellier Editori, ISSN: 1974-2193.
• From 2005, Advisory Board member for Progress in Nutrition, Casa Editrice Mattioli 1885 Spa, ISSN: 1129-8723.

International and national research Networks membership

• From 2010, Welfare Quality Network member
• From 2008, (ERG) SYAL (Systèmes Agroalimentaires Localisés) member
• EAAE (European Association of Agricultural Economists) and AIEAA (Associazione Italiana di Economia Agraria e Applicata) membership.

Reviewer ad editing activities

• Reviewer activity for: Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Appetite, British Food Journal, Climate, Nutrition and Food Science, Word Development, Journal of Rural Studies, Transactions of The Institute of British Geographers, Sustainability, International Journal on Food System Dynamics, Progress in Nutrition, Climate, Agriculture, Geography Compass, Ager, Economia Agro-Alimentare, Agriregioneuropa.
• Editor for:
­ F. Arfini, M.C. Mancini, M. Veneziani, M. Donati (a cura di) (2016) “Intellectual property rights for Geographical Indications. What is at stake in the TTIP?”, pp. 1-230, NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
­ F. Arfini, M.C. Mancini, M. Donati (a cura di) (2012) “Local agri-food systems in a global world. Market, Social and Environmental Challenges”, pp. 1-278, NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Internationalisation activities
• From February 2021, Delegate for the University of Parma Rector fot International mobility of Students and Staff.
• 2022, 2021 e 2020 - Scientific Committee and Teaching Committee membership, I, II e III “International Summer School” organized by the University of Parma on Food Sustainability.
• 2022 e 2021 – Coordinator of “The Provenance of Local Food” module, I and II editions of the “Food City Design” Master, organized by the School of Advanced Studies on Food and Nutrition of the University of Parma.
• 2022 – Local Coordinator of the Blended Intensive programme “Sustainable biotechnology entrepreneurship: microalgae & human food”, orgfanised by the Universidad de Almeria.
• 2021 - Scientific Committee and Teaching Committee memberdel Blended Intensive programme “Food sustainbality & Climate Change”, coordinato dall’Università di Parma.
• 2021 - Organizing Committee member of the Spring School “Business Active-Learning on Strategic Management”, organized by the University of Parma and Kwansey University (Japan).
• 2021 - Organizing and Scientific Committee member of the “EFSA International Summer school" organized in cooperation with the School of Advanced Studies on Food and Nutrition of the University of Parma e the Sacro Cuore University of Piacenza.
• Form March 2020, Delegate for the Internationalisation activities of the Department of Economics and Management, University of Parma.
• 2018 - 2021, ERASMUS Coordinator of the Department of Economics and Management, University of Parma.
• From 2018, member of the “Internationalisation activities” Working group of the University of Parma di Ateneo (D.R. n. 529/2018).
• From 1998-2014, member of the Internationalisation Board of the Department of Economics and Management, University of Parma.

Teaching assigments from foreign Universities and Research Institutions

• January 2022 - Erasmus Visiting professor at Heilbronn University (Germania), on “Sustainble food quality schemes”.
• October 2021 - Erasmus Visiting professor presso Junia, Ecole Superior de Lille (Francia), on “Sustainble food quality schemes”.
• 2021 e 2022 – Teaching at the 1st and 2nd edition of the “Food City Design” Master, organized by the School of Advanced Studies on Food and Nutrition of the University of Parma.
• February 2022 - Invited speaker at XVII edition of the “Social and Economic Aspects of the National and Global Health Challenges” Summer School, Faculty of Economics and Sociology of Lodz University (Poland) on “Alternative agrifood systems and consumption models for global health: socio-economic trends and global challenges”.
• September 2017 - Invited speaker at 3rd edition of the “Cibo: la vita condivisa” Summer school, Università degli Studi di Milano on “La comunicazione al consumatore e le strategie per l’animal welfare”.
• June 2011 – Teaching assignment by FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations e EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development on “The role of Consortia for PDO and PGI products”.
• In 2011 and 2005 - Teaching assignment BY CIHEAM - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies on “Food quality certification systems”.
• 2006 - Teaching assignment by UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organization on “Traceability for the agri-food system”.

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2024/2025

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2023/2024

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2022/2023

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2021/2022

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2020/2021

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2019/2020

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2018/2019

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2017/2018

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2016/2017

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2015/2016

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2014/2015


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