Born in Piacenza (Italy) on 24th December 1971.
Since 01-11-2023 she’s Full Professor at the Department of Food and Drug of the University of Parma in Italy.
Education and Carrier:
30/09/2014 - 31/10/2023 Associate Professot at the Department of Food and Drug of the University of Parma
1/2/2004 – 30/09/2014 Assistant Professor at the Department of Pharmacy of the University of Parma in Italy.
13/1/2005 – 15/9/2005 Visiting Researcher at the Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology of the University of Bath, UK.
1/11/2000- 31/1/2004 Post Doc position (full time) : Department of Pharmacy, University of Parma, Italy.
25/1/2001 Discussion of PhD thesis Subject: Dermal and transdermal administration of drugs: two case-studies
1/11/1997 – 31/10/2000 PhD student (Doctoral School: Biopharmacy and Pharmacokinetic) -tutored between the Department of Pharmacy, University of Parma, Italy and the Laboratoire de Physico-chimie, Pharmacotechnie et Biopharmacie of UMR CNRS 8612 – University of Paris XI – France. She was grantee of a mobility scholarship from the Italian Ministery of University and Scientific and Technologic Research
2/5/1997 – 31/10/1997, Fellowship holder (full time) on the subject: “Dermal administration of a drug for photodynamic therapy” c/o o Department of Pharmacy, University of Parma, Italy
11/3/1997. Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology (Class: 110/110 cum laude- full marks)).
International Experiences:
• Invited Professor c/o ISPB (Institut de science Pharmaceutiques et Biologique), Faculty of Pharmacy, University Claude Bernard, Lyon 1, France
• Visiting professor c/o Laboratories of the Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology of the University of Bath, UK
• PhD Student c/o Laboratoire de Physico-chimie, Pharmacotechnie et Biopharmacie of UMR CNRS 8612 - Université Paris XI – France
Scientific production
More than 90 papers published on international peer reviewed journals
Invited Talks
- “Polymeric micelles for ocular drug delivery” PBP World Meeting, 13th world meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology (ADRITELF-APGI-APV), Rotterdam, The Netherlands 28-31 March 2022
- “Topical Application of Polymeric Nanomicelles in Ophthalmology “GORDON RESEARCH CONFERENCE; Cornea and Ocular Surface Biology and Pathology; Maintaining and Restoring Corneal and Ocular Surface Health, Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco, February 16 - 21, 2020
- “Innovative strategies to overcome ocular barriers”, in “Crossing Biological Barriers, in Health and Disease”, XV FISV Congress, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy • 18-21 September 2018
- “Peptides in ocular delivery: drugs and potential carriers”, 15th Edition Of The European Symposium On Controlled Drug Delivery (ESCDD2018), Egmond Aan Zee, The Netherlands 11-13 Aprile 2018.
- « Targeting the posterior segment of the eye: barriers and enhancing techniques», “Workshop: Ophthalmic formulations: Challenges and Advances”, Pisa, 24 Febbraio 2012
- « Targeting the posterior segment of the eye: new drug delivery strategies » Worshop " Pharmaceutical Technologies and Herbal Products – From Nature to Medicine "– Facoltà di Farmacia dell’Università di Salerno, 6 Giugno 2011
- “Ocular Delivery of Macromolecules”, Workshop : “Updates on Drug Delivery: from the Lab to the Clinical Setting” School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, 8 Dicembre 2010
- « Transscleral delivery of macromolecules : the iontophoretic approach » 2nd Conference Innovation in Drug Delivery : From Preformulation to Development through Innovative Evaluation Process, Aix-en-Provence, FR, 3-6 Ottobre 2010
- “Chimeral agglomerates technology: improving the therapy of malaria in children”in “Updates on Drug Delivery: from the Lab to the Clinical Setting” School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, 24 Febbraio 2010
- « Biodisponibilite et Bioequivalence des Produits Topiques » 16ème Course Francophone de Biologie de la Peau Humaine ; CoBip 2009 : Actualités en Biologie Cutanée, Lione (FR), 25-27 Marzo 2009
- “Ex-vivo methods for the evaluation of drug transport across biological barriers”, 2nd AItUN Annual Meeting “Toward the development of drug delivery systems” Perugia, 7-8 Marzo 2008