cod. 02724

Anno accademico 2008/09
1° anno di corso - Primo semestre
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Indefinito/interdisciplinare (NN)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Tipologia attività formativa
Lingua/Prova Finale
40 ore
di attività frontali
5 crediti
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Obiettivi formativi

Portare gli studenti al livello B1 del Quadro Comune Europeo.


Conoscere l’inglese di base / livello elementare

Contenuti dell'insegnamento

Grammar Interrogatives <br />
What, What (+ noun) <br />
Where; When <br />
Who; Whose; Which <br />
How; How much; How many; How often; How long; etc. <br />
Why <br />
(including the interrogative forms of all tenses and modals <br />
listed) <br />
Nouns <br />
Singular and plural (regular and irregular forms) <br />
Countable and uncountable nouns with some and any <br />
Abstract nouns <br />
Compound nouns <br />
Complex noun phrases <br />
Genitive: ’s & s’ <br />
Double genitive: a friend of theirs <br />
Pronouns <br />
Personal (subject, object, possessive) <br />
Reflexive and emphatic: myself, etc. <br />
Impersonal: it, there <br />
Demonstrative: this, that, these, those <br />
Quantitative: one, something, everybody, etc. <br />
Indefinite: some, any, something, one, etc. <br />
Relative: who, which, that, whom, whose <br />
Determiners <br />
a + countable nouns <br />
the + countable/uncountable nouns <br />
Adjectives <br />
Colour, size, shape, quality, nationality <br />
Predicative and attributive <br />
Cardinal and ordinal numbers <br />
Possessive: my, your, his, her, etc. <br />
Demonstrative: this, that, these, those <br />
Quantitative: some, any, many, much, a few, a lot of, all, other, <br />
every, etc. <br />
Comparative and superlative forms (regular and irregular): <br />
(not) as . . . as, not . . . enough to, too . . . to <br />
Order of adjectives <br />
Participles as adjectives <br />
Compound adjectives <br />
Adverbs <br />
Regular and irregular forms <br />
Manner: quickly, carefully, etc. <br />
Frequency: often, never, twice a day, etc. <br />
Definite time: now, last week, etc. <br />
Indefinite time: already, just, yet, etc. <br />
Degree: very, too, rather, etc. <br />
Place: here, there, etc. <br />
Direction: left, right, along, etc. <br />
Sequence: first, next, etc. <br />
Sentence adverbs: too, either, etc. <br />
Pre-verbal, post-verbal and end-position adverbs <br />
Comparative and superlative forms (regular and irregular) <br />
Prepositions <br />
Location: to, on, inside, next to, at (home), etc. <br />
Time: at, on, in, during, etc. <br />
Direction: to, into, out of, from, etc. <br />
Instrument: by, with <br />
Miscellaneous: like, as, due to, owing to, etc. <br />
Prepositional phrases: at the beginning of, by means of, etc. <br />
Prepositions preceding nouns and adjectives: by car, for sale, <br />
at last, etc. <br />
Prepositions following (i) nouns and adjectives: advice on, <br />
afraid of, etc. (ii) verbs: laugh at, ask for, etc. <br />
Connectives <br />
and, but, or, either . . . or <br />
when, while, until, before, after, as soon as <br />
where <br />
because, since, as, for <br />
so that, (in order) to <br />
so, so . . . that, such . . . that <br />
if, unless <br />
although, while, whereas <br />
Note that students will meet forms other than those listed <br />
above in PET, on which they will not be directly tested. <br />
_ Topics <br />
Clothes Personal identification <br />
Daily life Places and buildings <br />
Education Relations with other people <br />
Entertainment and media Services <br />
Environment Shopping <br />
Food and drink Social interaction <br />
Free time Sport <br />
Health, medicine and The natural world <br />
exercise Transport <br />
Hobbies and leisure Travel and holidays <br />
House and home Weather <br />
Language Work and jobs <br />
People <br />
Personal feelings, opinions and experiences <br />
Topics: Travel and Transport, sport, hobbies and leisure, work and jobs, food and drink, clothes and accessories, house and home, the natural world, weather, entertainment and media, health, medicine and exercise, education, colours, buildings, places: countryside, shopping, services, technology and communications, environment. <br />
Lexicon <br />

Programma esteso

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<p>Corso Online G. Mansfield This 'n That</p>
<p>PRACTICE TESTS PLUS 2, Ashton e Thomas, ed. Longman</p>

Metodi didattici

Il corso e' basato su esercitazioni orali supportate da lucidi e dispense on-line. la prova d’idoneità (standardizzata nell’Ateneo) è in tre parti: Use of English (grammatica), Reading e Listening. Il livello della prova è B1 (intermedio). Le sezioni reading e listening usano come modello la prova PET*.

Modalità verifica apprendimento

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Altre informazioni

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