cod. 1008152

Anno accademico 2021/22
1° anno di corso - Secondo semestre
Docente responsabile dell'insegnamento
insegnamento integrato
6 crediti

Obiettivi formativi

The aim of the course is to provide the theoretical basis and the practical skills to design embedded hardware compliant with security standard (Hardware safety integrity requirements for the complete SIF and architectural constraints). In particular Power Supply Management and Computing Redundancy, will be deeply analyzed. In addition, high performance modular programming with respect to automotive and safety standards (AUTOSAR, ADSIL, SIL) and the automatic code generation using Matlab/Simulink will be considered.


Fondamenti di fisica, fondamenti di elettronica, fondamenti di programmazione.

Contenuti dell'insegnamento

Embedded hardware and firmware design in compliance with industrial and safety standards, model-based design.

Programma esteso

Wheel-terrain contact models (10 hours)
Main parameters for 3D tire models (slip, camber, caster and other angles). Deformable tire models. Quarter car model and effect of suspended masses on ride harshness.

Longitudinal dynamics (10 hours)
Performance limits and goals. Powertrain modeling. Torque and power curves. Gear ratios and their optimization. Traction limits. Aerodynamic loads. Simplified numerical models for longitudinal dynamics and component-based software tools.

Handling: lateral and 3D dynamics (10 hours)
Main types of suspension. Kinematics of suspensions. Roll center. Steering architectures and their kinematics.
Geometry of masses. Stability, oversteering and understeering, stability plots.
Numerical models with many degrees of freedom and multibody software tools.

Embedded hardware for compliant systems (1 hr)
Sensing, control, actuation, redundancy, power supply, insulation.

Structured approach to firmware design (2 hr)
V-model, levels of abstraction, validation, verification, documentation.

Implementation: the building system (4 hr)
Source code, preprocessor, compiler, assembly language, machine code, internal operation of the CPU, registers, stack, assembler, linker, optimization.

Software testing and documentation (2 hr)
Unit testing, static and dynamic code analysis, code coverage, process documentation, inline documentation, Doxygen, authoring tools.

Version control systems (2 hr)
Concurrent development, centralized vs. distributed VCSs, SVN, GIT, repositories, update, commit, branching, tagging, merging.

Standards (1 hr)
Standardization organizations, operation, stage codes.

Safety standards (2 hr)
Introduction to safety standards, safety integrity levels, good programming practices.

Coding standards (2 hr)
Motivation, MISRA C, CERT C, Barr Group, rule examples.

Communication protocols (2 hr)
CAN, CANopen, J1939, introduction to industrial communication protocols.

Fixed point ALUs (5 hr)
Fixed point numeric formats, fixed point arithmetic, normalized fractional format, calculations with normalized quantities, examples (Ohm’s law, magnetic flux observer for IMs), TDL calculation structures, µC vs. DSP, fixed point numeric saturation.

Real time computation (2 hr)
Numerical approximation of functions and differential calculus, optimization.

Bootloaders (1 hr)
MCU vs. FPGA and SoC, MCU booting sequence, interrupt vector table relocation, OpenBLT.

Watchdogs (1 hr)
Timeout watchdog, windowed watchdog, hardware watchdog, independence, best practices.

Memory management and protection (1 hr)
Paging, alignment, MMU/MPU, virtual memory, error checking and management.

Model-based design (2 hr)
Automatic code generation, model-in-the-loop, software-in-the-loop, processor-in-the-loop, rapid control prototyping.


William F. Milliken e Douglas L., "Race car vehicle dynamics", SAE Society of Automotive Engineers, 1995, ISBN 978-1-56091-526-3.

Dispense del docente, standard e normative, documentazione dei tool software utilizzati.

Metodi didattici

Lezioni frontali.

Modalità verifica apprendimento

Esame orale.

Altre informazioni

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