Curriculum Vitae ENGLISH VERSION
Born 8th May, 1972 in Parma, Italy.
Attended Parma University, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics.
1998 Master Degree in Physics at Parma University. Thesis title: Crystal field anisotropy in the intermetallic Rare-Earth compounds with aThMn12 structural type
2000-2002 PhD in Biotechnology, University of Parma, with a thesis about applications of scanning electron microscopy, microanalysis, microfluorescence and EXAFS to environmental biotechnology.
2005-2018 Senior Researcher at Parma University, scientific section BIO/13.
2018-Current Associate Professor BIO/13 Plant Biotechnology at Parma University
Since 2007: teaching “Applied Biotechnology”, 2nd year of the master course in Biotechnology, Università di Parma and “Fitoremediation” 2nd year of the specialized master “Scienze e Tecnologie per l'Ambiente e le Risorse (STAR)” (Science and technology for the environment and land), University of Parma.
Since 2009: Senior Associated Editor of the International Journal of Phytoremediation (
Since 2010 she is a member of the College of Doctoral Lecturers for the Doctorate in "BIOTECNOLOGIES", University of Parma, Tutoring since now almost 10 Ph.D. thesiswith collaboraboration with foreign institutions such as CAES (Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, CT, US) and Bren School of Environmental Science & Managemen (UCA, CA, US)
Since 2004 she has been involved in 23 EU, NATO, other international and national projects on food, water, environmental, and agricultural security and safety:
2004-2009 CE COST, COST Action 859: “Phytotechnologies to promote sustainable land use management and improve food safety”
NATO: 2004-2005 Advanced Study Institute “Advanced science and technology for biological decontamination of sites affected by chemical and radiological nuclear agents”
2004-02386. “Traceability of origin and authenticity of olive oil by combined genomic and metabolomic approaches” (OLIV-TRACK)
2004-2005 Fellowship OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) title of the project "Plant treatment systems for dairy effluents in Italy and New Zealand"; Massey University, NZ
2005-2007 NATO-RUSSIA COUNCIL (NRC) COMMITTEE ON THE CHALLENGES OF MODERN SOCIETY (CCMS) Development of a prototype system for sharing information related to acts of terrorism to the environment, agriculture and water systems (ECOTER). Grant: NRC (CCMS) N (2004) 0009, SfP982498
2006-2008 European Traceability Excellence & Research” (PETER)
2006-2010 CE Framework VI, Food Quality and Safety: “Developing and integrating novel technologies to improve safety, transparency – test case fish and poultry” (CHILL-ON)
EU-Egypt Innovation Fund: 2009-2010 “Traceability for Agriculture Competitiveness” Traceability
2005-2010: COST ACTION FA 0905 regarding "Mineral Improved Crop Production for Healthy Food and Feed."for Agriculture Competitiveness, Grant MED/2008/169-438.
2011: Brian Mason Technical and Scientific Trust grant "Native vegetation to provide trace element micronutrients on Canterbury farms" Grant 2010/17, Lincoln University, NZ. Brian Mason Scientific and Technical Trust (CC11395), Christchurch, NZ.
2012 Short Term Scientific Mission, COST Action FA 0905 on "Mineral Improved crop production for healthy food and feed". At the James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, UK. Grant number: COST-STSM-ECOST-STSM-FA0905-130812-021866.
2013-2017 CE Framework VII, REGPOT: "Advancing research in agricultural and food sciences at Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade" AREA grant agreement n. 316004 7th Framework Program.
2015 Fondazione CARIPLO (CARIPLO Trust): from 2015 Project "Bio-revaluation of the chemical district of Mantova by planning non-food biomass supply and its upgrading to bio-products" (BioMAN) (Politecnico diMilano - and ITALBIOTEC).
2016 Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) FACCE - SURPLUS JPI collaboration call SFS-05-2015: Strategies for crop productivity, stability and quality: "Intensify production, transform biomass to energy and novel goods and protect soils in Europe" (INTENSE).
2018-2021 Horizon 2020 PRIMA (Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area Programme) “Novel approaches to promote the sustainability of olive cultivation in the Mediterranean” (SUSTAINOLIVE)
2018-2021 Horizon 2020 H2020-SFS-2018-2020 Sustainable Food Security Topic LC-SFS.03.2018: "Sustainable Innovation of Microbiome Applications in food system" (SIMBA)
She has been PI in 2 Italian Financed PRIN/COFIN, and participated in PRITT, AGER progets
COFIN 2005 (PRIN 2006-2008) Identification of analytical and molecular descriptors for the decontamination capacity of poplar species. Grant number: 2005072892_003
PRIN 2010-2012. P.I. for the project “Genes, gene products and functions for the decontamination of metals and nanomaterials in Salicaceae species”. Grant: 2008XS9YBC_002
2009-2010 "Experimental research and development to provide new fertility to exhausted soils per: “reconstructed soils”.P.O.R F.E.S.R 2007/2013- PRRIITT Misura 3.1 Azione A (DGR n.1043 del 7 /7/2008)
2011-2014 AGER “Sistemi integrati genetici e genomici mirati al rinnovo varietale nella filiera risicola italiana (RISINNOVA)”
AGER 2010-2014 "Sostenibilità produttivo-ambientale, qualitativa ed economica della filiera frumento duro"
Since 2011 member of ISTEB and ICOBTE organising Committee, and organised with Professor Bal Ram Singh (Norway University) and Professor Nanthi Bolan (University of Southern Australia" the symposia "Role of soil organic matter in trace element dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems and in advanced remediation" in the frame of the 11th ICOBTE conference. Since 2015 she is a member of the International Phytotechnology Society IPS. Since 2016 She is a member of the Italian Miscroscopical Society SISM and of the Italian Association for Biological and Genetic Sciences (AIBG). She has always participated to the annual meetings and workshops organized by these societies. In 2018 she was awarded by the IPS The “Steven Ebbs” Prize for her distinguished research activities in the field of phytotechnologies.

Since 2001 she obtained beam time with competitive peer reviewed with competitive financement proposals at the major Synchrotron facilities in Europe such as:
2001: Research activity at BM08 ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility), Grenoble,
France, "Investigation of trace metals binding sites within lignin and cellulose molecular
structure: XAFS approach". Grant LS-1850
2003: Research project at beamline BM08 at ESRF “Studying Pb atoms embedded in plant organic matrices: EXAFS approach”.Grant ME-760
2004: Research project at BAM beamline at BESSY synchrotron “Characterisation of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants tolerant towards high Cs concentrations: a synchrotron light-based approach". Grant: BESSY_3-CT-2004-506008
2018-Research grant: at ELETTRA Trieste: 20165305, 2016-2017. Title: Distribution and quantification of Si and other elements within tomato leaf and fruit at successive maturation stages and under different Si application regimes from 3/11/2017 since 14/11/2017
2018-Research Grant: at ESRF grenoble:LS-2675 "Explaining molecular mechanisms of nanotoxicology: EXAFS applied to study CdS quantum dots in Arabidopsis thaliana" Research Grant at ELETTRA Trieste: 20177035 'Role of mitochondrial functions in CdS Quantum dots (QDs) toxicity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae'
2019- ELETTRA Proposal: 20195157 Title: Distribution of Cu ions and CuO nanoparticles in the roots, leaves and reproductive organs of Zucchini
2019-ESRF Proposal EV-366 "Cu ligands in zucchini plants parts (root, leaf, anther) of plants treated with CuO nanoparticles or with CuSO4"

Curriculum Vitae ENGLISH VERSION
Born 8th May, 1972 in Parma, Italy.
Attended Parma University, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics.
1998 Master Degree in Physics at Parma University. Thesis title: Crystal field anisotropy in the intermetallic Rare-Earth compounds with aThMn12 structural type
2000-2002 PhD in Biotechnology, University of Parma, with a thesis about applications of scanning electron microscopy, microanalysis, microfluorescence and EXAFS to environmental biotechnology.
2005-2018 Senior Researcher at Parma University, scientific section BIO/13.
2018-Current Associate Professor BIO/13 Plant Biotechnology at Parma University
Since 2007: teaching “Applied Biotechnology”, 2nd year of the master course in Biotechnology, Università di Parma and “Fitoremediation” 2nd year of the specialized master “Scienze e Tecnologie per l'Ambiente e le Risorse (STAR)” (Science and technology for the environment and land), University of Parma.
Since 2009: Senior Associated Editor of the International Journal of Phytoremediation (
Since 2010 she is a member of the College of Doctoral Lecturers for the Doctorate in "BIOTECNOLOGIES", University of Parma, Tutoring since now almost 10 Ph.D. thesiswith collaboraboration with foreign institutions such as CAES (Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, CT, US) and Bren School of Environmental Science & Managemen (UCA, CA, US)
Since 2004 she has been involved in 23 EU, NATO, other international and national projects on food, water, environmental, and agricultural security and safety:
2004-2009 CE COST, COST Action 859: “Phytotechnologies to promote sustainable land use management and improve food safety”
NATO: 2004-2005 Advanced Study Institute “Advanced science and technology for biological decontamination of sites affected by chemical and radiological nuclear agents”
2004-02386. “Traceability of origin and authenticity of olive oil by combined genomic and metabolomic approaches” (OLIV-TRACK)
2004-2005 Fellowship OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) title of the project "Plant treatment systems for dairy effluents in Italy and New Zealand"; Massey University, NZ
2005-2007 NATO-RUSSIA COUNCIL (NRC) COMMITTEE ON THE CHALLENGES OF MODERN SOCIETY (CCMS) Development of a prototype system for sharing information related to acts of terrorism to the environment, agriculture and water systems (ECOTER). Grant: NRC (CCMS) N (2004) 0009, SfP982498
2006-2008 European Traceability Excellence & Research” (PETER)
2006-2010 CE Framework VI, Food Quality and Safety: “Developing and integrating novel technologies to improve safety, transparency – test case fish and poultry” (CHILL-ON)
EU-Egypt Innovation Fund: 2009-2010 “Traceability for Agriculture Competitiveness” Traceability
2005-2010: COST ACTION FA 0905 regarding "Mineral Improved Crop Production for Healthy Food and Feed."for Agriculture Competitiveness, Grant MED/2008/169-438.
2011: Brian Mason Technical and Scientific Trust grant "Native vegetation to provide trace element micronutrients on Canterbury farms" Grant 2010/17, Lincoln University, NZ. Brian Mason Scientific and Technical Trust (CC11395), Christchurch, NZ.
2012 Short Term Scientific Mission, COST Action FA 0905 on "Mineral Improved crop production for healthy food and feed". At the James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, UK. Grant number: COST-STSM-ECOST-STSM-FA0905-130812-021866.
2013-2017 CE Framework VII, REGPOT: "Advancing research in agricultural and food sciences at Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade" AREA grant agreement n. 316004 7th Framework Program.
2015 Fondazione CARIPLO (CARIPLO Trust): from 2015 Project "Bio-revaluation of the chemical district of Mantova by planning non-food biomass supply and its upgrading to bio-products" (BioMAN) (Politecnico diMilano - and ITALBIOTEC).
2016 Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) FACCE - SURPLUS JPI collaboration call SFS-05-2015: Strategies for crop productivity, stability and quality: "Intensify production, transform biomass to energy and novel goods and protect soils in Europe" (INTENSE).
2018-2021 Horizon 2020 PRIMA (Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area Programme) “Novel approaches to promote the sustainability of olive cultivation in the Mediterranean” (SUSTAINOLIVE)
2018-2021 Horizon 2020 H2020-SFS-2018-2020 Sustainable Food Security Topic LC-SFS.03.2018: "Sustainable Innovation of Microbiome Applications in food system" (SIMBA)
She has been PI in 2 Italian Financed PRIN/COFIN, and participated in PRITT, AGER progets
COFIN 2005 (PRIN 2006-2008) Identification of analytical and molecular descriptors for the decontamination capacity of poplar species. Grant number: 2005072892_003
PRIN 2010-2012. P.I. for the project “Genes, gene products and functions for the decontamination of metals and nanomaterials in Salicaceae species”. Grant: 2008XS9YBC_002
2009-2010 "Experimental research and development to provide new fertility to exhausted soils per: “reconstructed soils”.P.O.R F.E.S.R 2007/2013- PRRIITT Misura 3.1 Azione A (DGR n.1043 del 7 /7/2008)
2011-2014 AGER “Sistemi integrati genetici e genomici mirati al rinnovo varietale nella filiera risicola italiana (RISINNOVA)”
AGER 2010-2014 "Sostenibilità produttivo-ambientale, qualitativa ed economica della filiera frumento duro"
Since 2011 member of ISTEB and ICOBTE organising Committee, and organised with Professor Bal Ram Singh (Norway University) and Professor Nanthi Bolan (University of Southern Australia" the symposia "Role of soil organic matter in trace element dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems and in advanced remediation" in the frame of the 11th ICOBTE conference. Since 2015 she is a member of the International Phytotechnology Society IPS. Since 2016 She is a member of the Italian Miscroscopical Society SISM and of the Italian Association for Biological and Genetic Sciences (AIBG). She has always participated to the annual meetings and workshops organized by these societies. In 2018 she was awarded by the IPS The “Steven Ebbs” Prize for her distinguished research activities in the field of phytotechnologies.

Since 2001 she obtained beam time with competitive peer reviewed with competitive financement proposals at the major Synchrotron facilities in Europe such as:
2001: Research activity at BM08 ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility), Grenoble,
France, "Investigation of trace metals binding sites within lignin and cellulose molecular
structure: XAFS approach". Grant LS-1850
2003: Research project at beamline BM08 at ESRF “Studying Pb atoms embedded in plant organic matrices: EXAFS approach”.Grant ME-760
2004: Research project at BAM beamline at BESSY synchrotron “Characterisation of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants tolerant towards high Cs concentrations: a synchrotron light-based approach". Grant: BESSY_3-CT-2004-506008
2018-Research grant: at ELETTRA Trieste: 20165305, 2016-2017. Title: Distribution and quantification of Si and other elements within tomato leaf and fruit at successive maturation stages and under different Si application regimes from 3/11/2017 since 14/11/2017
2018-Research Grant: at ESRF grenoble:LS-2675 "Explaining molecular mechanisms of nanotoxicology: EXAFS applied to study CdS quantum dots in Arabidopsis thaliana" Research Grant at ELETTRA Trieste: 20177035 'Role of mitochondrial functions in CdS Quantum dots (QDs) toxicity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae'
2019- ELETTRA Proposal: 20195157 Title: Distribution of Cu ions and CuO nanoparticles in the roots, leaves and reproductive organs of Zucchini
2019-ESRF Proposal EV-366 "Cu ligands in zucchini plants parts (root, leaf, anther) of plants treated with CuO nanoparticles or with CuSO4"

Curriculum Vitae ENGLISH VERSION
Born 8th May, 1972 in Parma, Italy.
Attended Parma University, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics.
1998 Master Degree in Physics at Parma University. Thesis title: Crystal field anisotropy in the intermetallic Rare-Earth compounds with aThMn12 structural type
2000-2002 PhD in Biotechnology, University of Parma, with a thesis about applications of scanning electron microscopy, microanalysis, microfluorescence and EXAFS to environmental biotechnology.
2005-2018 Senior Researcher at Parma University, scientific section BIO/13.
2018-Current Associate Professor BIO/13 Plant Biotechnology at Parma University
Since 2007: teaching “Applied Biotechnology”, 2nd year of the master course in Biotechnology, Università di Parma and “Fitoremediation” 2nd year of the specialized master “Scienze e Tecnologie per l'Ambiente e le Risorse (STAR)” (Science and technology for the environment and land), University of Parma.
Since 2009: Senior Associated Editor of the International Journal of Phytoremediation (
Since 2010 she is a member of the College of Doctoral Lecturers for the Doctorate in "BIOTECNOLOGIES", University of Parma, Tutoring since now almost 10 Ph.D. thesiswith collaboraboration with foreign institutions such as CAES (Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, CT, US) and Bren School of Environmental Science & Managemen (UCA, CA, US)
Since 2004 she has been involved in 23 EU, NATO, other international and national projects on food, water, environmental, and agricultural security and safety:
2004-2009 CE COST, COST Action 859: “Phytotechnologies to promote sustainable land use management and improve food safety”
NATO: 2004-2005 Advanced Study Institute “Advanced science and technology for biological decontamination of sites affected by chemical and radiological nuclear agents”
2004-02386. “Traceability of origin and authenticity of olive oil by combined genomic and metabolomic approaches” (OLIV-TRACK)
2004-2005 Fellowship OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) title of the project "Plant treatment systems for dairy effluents in Italy and New Zealand"; Massey University, NZ
2005-2007 NATO-RUSSIA COUNCIL (NRC) COMMITTEE ON THE CHALLENGES OF MODERN SOCIETY (CCMS) Development of a prototype system for sharing information related to acts of terrorism to the environment, agriculture and water systems (ECOTER). Grant: NRC (CCMS) N (2004) 0009, SfP982498
2006-2008 European Traceability Excellence & Research” (PETER)
2006-2010 CE Framework VI, Food Quality and Safety: “Developing and integrating novel technologies to improve safety, transparency – test case fish and poultry” (CHILL-ON)
EU-Egypt Innovation Fund: 2009-2010 “Traceability for Agriculture Competitiveness” Traceability
2005-2010: COST ACTION FA 0905 regarding "Mineral Improved Crop Production for Healthy Food and Feed."for Agriculture Competitiveness, Grant MED/2008/169-438.
2011: Brian Mason Technical and Scientific Trust grant "Native vegetation to provide trace element micronutrients on Canterbury farms" Grant 2010/17, Lincoln University, NZ. Brian Mason Scientific and Technical Trust (CC11395), Christchurch, NZ.
2012 Short Term Scientific Mission, COST Action FA 0905 on "Mineral Improved crop production for healthy food and feed". At the James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, UK. Grant number: COST-STSM-ECOST-STSM-FA0905-130812-021866.
2013-2017 CE Framework VII, REGPOT: "Advancing research in agricultural and food sciences at Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade" AREA grant agreement n. 316004 7th Framework Program.
2015 Fondazione CARIPLO (CARIPLO Trust): from 2015 Project "Bio-revaluation of the chemical district of Mantova by planning non-food biomass supply and its upgrading to bio-products" (BioMAN) (Politecnico diMilano - and ITALBIOTEC).
2016 Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) FACCE - SURPLUS JPI collaboration call SFS-05-2015: Strategies for crop productivity, stability and quality: "Intensify production, transform biomass to energy and novel goods and protect soils in Europe" (INTENSE).
2018-2021 Horizon 2020 PRIMA (Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area Programme) “Novel approaches to promote the sustainability of olive cultivation in the Mediterranean” (SUSTAINOLIVE)
2018-2021 Horizon 2020 H2020-SFS-2018-2020 Sustainable Food Security Topic LC-SFS.03.2018: "Sustainable Innovation of Microbiome Applications in food system" (SIMBA)
She has been PI in 2 Italian Financed PRIN/COFIN, and participated in PRITT, AGER progets
COFIN 2005 (PRIN 2006-2008) Identification of analytical and molecular descriptors for the decontamination capacity of poplar species. Grant number: 2005072892_003
PRIN 2010-2012. P.I. for the project “Genes, gene products and functions for the decontamination of metals and nanomaterials in Salicaceae species”. Grant: 2008XS9YBC_002
2009-2010 "Experimental research and development to provide new fertility to exhausted soils per: “reconstructed soils”.P.O.R F.E.S.R 2007/2013- PRRIITT Misura 3.1 Azione A (DGR n.1043 del 7 /7/2008)
2011-2014 AGER “Sistemi integrati genetici e genomici mirati al rinnovo varietale nella filiera risicola italiana (RISINNOVA)”
AGER 2010-2014 "Sostenibilità produttivo-ambientale, qualitativa ed economica della filiera frumento duro"
Since 2011 member of ISTEB and ICOBTE organising Committee, and organised with Professor Bal Ram Singh (Norway University) and Professor Nanthi Bolan (University of Southern Australia" the symposia "Role of soil organic matter in trace element dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems and in advanced remediation" in the frame of the 11th ICOBTE conference. Since 2015 she is a member of the International Phytotechnology Society IPS. Since 2016 She is a member of the Italian Miscroscopical Society SISM and of the Italian Association for Biological and Genetic Sciences (AIBG). She has always participated to the annual meetings and workshops organized by these societies. In 2018 she was awarded by the IPS The “Steven Ebbs” Prize for her distinguished research activities in the field of phytotechnologies.

Since 2001 she obtained beam time with competitive peer reviewed with competitive financement proposals at the major Synchrotron facilities in Europe such as:
2001: Research activity at BM08 ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility), Grenoble,
France, "Investigation of trace metals binding sites within lignin and cellulose molecular
structure: XAFS approach". Grant LS-1850
2003: Research project at beamline BM08 at ESRF “Studying Pb atoms embedded in plant organic matrices: EXAFS approach”.Grant ME-760
2004: Research project at BAM beamline at BESSY synchrotron “Characterisation of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants tolerant towards high Cs concentrations: a synchrotron light-based approach". Grant: BESSY_3-CT-2004-506008
2018-Research grant: at ELETTRA Trieste: 20165305, 2016-2017. Title: Distribution and quantification of Si and other elements within tomato leaf and fruit at successive maturation stages and under different Si application regimes from 3/11/2017 since 14/11/2017
2018-Research Grant: at ESRF grenoble:LS-2675 "Explaining molecular mechanisms of nanotoxicology: EXAFS applied to study CdS quantum dots in Arabidopsis thaliana" Research Grant at ELETTRA Trieste: 20177035 'Role of mitochondrial functions in CdS Quantum dots (QDs) toxicity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae'
2019- ELETTRA Proposal: 20195157 Title: Distribution of Cu ions and CuO nanoparticles in the roots, leaves and reproductive organs of Zucchini
2019-ESRF Proposal EV-366 "Cu ligands in zucchini plants parts (root, leaf, anther) of plants treated with CuO nanoparticles or with CuSO4"

Born 8th May, 1972 in Parma, Italy.

Attended Parma University, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics.
1998. Degree in Physics at Parma University. Thesis title: ”Crystal field anisotropy in the intermetallic Rare-Earth compounds with aThMn12 structural type”
1998-1999. Contracts for cooperation with the Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Parma for chemical and physical analyses applied to the determination of xenobiotics in higher plants.
2000-2002. PhD in Biotechnology, University of Parma, with a thesis about applications of scanning electron microscopy, microanalysis, microfluorescence and EXAFS to environmental biotechnology.
2003-2005. Research Cooperation (Assegno di Ricerca) in the scientific section BIO/13 about "Implementation of biotechnology research activities at Parma University through participation to UE projects and cooperation with international institutions in the field of Functional Genomics”
2005-current Senior Researcher at Parma University, scientific section BIO/13.
Since 2007: she has been teaching “Applied Biotechnology”,2nd year of the master course in Biotechnology, Università di Parma
Since 2007: she has been teaching “Fitoremediation”,1st year of the specialized master “Scienze e Tecnologie per l'Ambiente e le Risorse (STAR)” (Science and technology for the environment and land), University of Parma.
Since 2010: Senior Associated Editor of the International Journal of Phytoremediation (
Since 2010 she is a member of the College of Doctoral Lecturers for the Doctorate in "BIOTECNOLOGIES", University of Parma
Since 2011 member of ISTEB and ICOBTE organising Committee, and organised with Professor Bal Ram Singh (Norway University) and Professor Nanthi Bolan (University of Southern Australia" the symposia "Role of soil organic matter in trace element dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems and in advanced remediation" in the frame of the 11th ICOBTE conference.

1998-2003 CEE Framework IV, INCO-Copernicus: IC15-CT98-0124"Cycling trace metals in sustainable management of agricultural soils. Fertility requires the inventory of input metals (FERTILIA)"
CE COST, COST Action 837: 1999-2004 “Plant biotechnology for the removal of organic
1999 -2000 EU TEMPUS-TACIS project JEP-10435-98 "Environmental science in relation to the implication of radiation in healthcare"
1999: Research activity at L.U.R.E. synchrotron (Laboratoire pour l’Utilisation du Rayonment
Electromagnetique), Centre Universitaire Paris Sud, Orsay, France: "micro-SRXF measurements on plant samples, coming from a heavy metals contaminated site, for the analysis of the partitioning of metals in plant tissues". Grant BA 99-08.
2001: Research activity at L.U.R.E. synchrotron "Heavy metal localization with micro-SRXF in crop plants tissues ". Grant BA 001-04
2001: Research activity at BM08 ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ), Grenoble,
France, "Investigation of trace metals binding sites within lignin and cellulose molecular
structure: XAFS approach". Grant LS-1850
2003-2005 CE Framework V, Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources :QLK1-CT-2002-02386. “Traceability of origin and authenticity of olive oil by combined genomic and metabolomic approaches” (OLIV-TRACK)
2003: Research project at beamline BM08 at ESRF “Studying Pb atoms embedded in plant organic matrices: EXAFS approach”.Grant ME-760
2004-2009 CE COST, COST Action 859: “Phytotechnologies to promote sustainable land use management and improve food safety”
NATO: 2004-2005 Advanced Study Institute “Advanced science and technology for biological decontamination of sites affected by chemical and radiological nuclear agents”
2004: Research project at BAM beamline at BESSY synchrotron “Characterisation of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants tolerant towards high Cs concentrations: a synchrotron light-based approach". Grant: BESSY_3-CT-2004-506008
2004-2005 Fellowship OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development)
Grant JA00026203 in the framework of: CO-OPERATIVE RESEARCH PROGRAMME:
BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS;Title of the project "Plant treatment systems for dairy effluents in Italy and New Zealand"; Massey University, NZ
2005-2007 NATO-RUSSIA COUNCIL (NRC) COMMITTEE ON THE CHALLENGES OF MODERN SOCIETY (CCMS): Short-Term ad hoc project “ Development of a prototype system for sharing information related to acts of terrorism to the environment, agriculture and water systems (ECOTER)”. Grant: NRC (CCMS) N (2004) 0009, SfP982498
2006-2008 CE Framework VI, Food Quality and Safety: FOOD-CT-2006-031717 “Promoting
European Traceability Excellence & Research” (PETER) From 01-01-2006 to 10-12-2008
2006-2010 CE Framework VI, Food Quality and Safety: “Developing and integrating novel technologies to improve safety, transparency – test case fish and poultry” (CHILL-ON)
COFIN 2005 (PRIN 2006-2008) “ Identification of analytical and molecular descriptors for the decontamination capacity of poplar species” Grant number: 2005072892_003.
2007-2010 CE Framework VI, Food Quality and Safety: FP6-2005-FOOD-03630 “Integrated
System for a Reliable Traceability of Food Supply Chains” (TRACEBACK)”
2007-2010 NATO Science For Peace: “Development of a prototype for the International Situational Centre on Interaction in Case of Ecoterrorism” Grant PDD (TC)-(ESP.NR.NRSFPP982498)
2007-2009 “Space Infrastructure through Satellite Imagery” (2SI). Grant Agreement JLS/2007/CPS/008
PRRIITT: 2008-2010 “Security Technology Innovation Crop and Food” (SITEIA)
PRRIITT: 2008-2010 “Environmental Regional Network” (ENVIREN)
EU-Egypt Innovation Fund: 2009-2010 “Traceability for Agriculture Competitiveness” (North
South Consultant Exchange). Traceability for Agriculture Competitiveness, Grant
m.c.m.Ecosystems: 2009-2010 "Experimental research and development to provide new fertility to exhausted soils per: “reconstructed soils”.P.O.R F.E.S.R 2007/2013- PRRIITT Misura 3.1 Azione A (DGR n.1043 del 7/7/2008) from
CE EACEA: 2009-2012 “Advanced M.Sc. Program in Ecology for Volga-Caspian Basin” (AMEV) (Universitaet Stuttgart). Grant number: 159305-TEMPUS-1-2009-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPCR
COST ACTION FA 0905 regarding "Mineral Improved Crop Production for Healthy Food and Feed."
AGER (Grant for detailed research) "Durum wheat supply cahin": 2010-2014 "Environmental and productive sustainability, quality and econonomy of the durum wheat supply chain".
CE EACEA: 2010-13 “EU Based Course in Foodstuff Expertise & Quality Control” (Universitaet
Weihenstephan). Grant number: 159173-TEMPUS-DE-TEMPUS-JPCR
PRIN 2010-2012. P.I. for the project “genes, gene products and functions for the decontamination of metals and nanomaterials in Salicaceae species”. Grant: 2008XS9YBC_002
2011: Brian Mason Technical and Scientific Trust grant "Native vegetation to provide trace
element micronutrients on Canterbury farms" . Grant 2010/17, Lincoln University, NZ.
Brian Mason Scientific and Technical Trust (CC11395), Christchurch, NZ.
AGER (Grant for detailed research) "Rice supply chain": 2011-2014 “Integrated genetic and genomic systems for the innovation of new varieties in the Italian rice supply chain (RISINNOVA)”.
2012 Short Term Scientific Mission, COST Action FA 0905 on "Mineral Improved crop production
for healthy food and feed". At the James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, UK. Grant number:
2013-2017 CE Framework VII, REGPOT: "Advancing research in agricultural and food sciences at
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade" (AREA) (University of Belgrade, Serbia- Steering
Committee). AREA grant agreement n. 316004 7th Framework Program.
2013-2017 CE Framework VII, KBBE: “Ensuring the integrity of the European food chain”
(FOODINTEGRITY) CE 7th Framework program grant agreement No. 613688.
2015 Fondazione CARIPLO (CARIPLO Trust): from 2015 Project "Bio-revaluation of the chemical district of Mantova by planning non-food biomass supply and its upgrading to bio-products" (BioMAN) (Politecnico diMilano - and ITALBIOTEC).
2015 UPI-SSICA: dal 2015 Agreement "Evaluation of the efficiency in termo-conversion, of the economic and environmental sustainability of a pyrolysis pilot plat for biochar, syngas, and bio-oil production from Parma ham production wastes”.
2014-2020 Rural development plan Regione Emilia Romagna Focus Area 2A, 4B, 4C, 5A e 5E: “Use of biochar as a biological filter for water depuration: a fertilizer for environmental clean-up”.
2014-2020 Rural development plan Regione Emilia Romagna - 16.1.01 Focus Area 2A, 4B, 4C, 5A e 5E: “Carbonization of agricultural lefovers residui Biochar as a valuable solution for carbon sequestration in soil”.
2016 Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) FACCE - SURPLUS JPI collaboration call SFS-05-2015: Strategies for crop productivity, stability and quality: "Intensify production, transform biomass to energy and novel goods and protect soils in Europe" (INTENSE).
Research grant: at ELETTRA Trieste: 20165305, 2016-2017. Title: Distribution and quantification of Si and other elements within tomato leaf and fruit at successive maturation stages and under different Si application regimes from 3/11/2017 since 14/11/2017
Research Grant: at ESRF grenoble:LS-2675 "Explaining molecular mechanisms of nanotoxicology: EXAFS applied to study CdS quantum dots in Arabidopsis thaliana" June-2018
Research Grant at ELETTRA Trieste: 20177035 'Role of mitochondrial functions in CdS Quantum dots (QDs) toxicity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae' May-2018


EU TEMPUS-TACIS project JEP-10435-98 "Environmental science in relation to the implication of radiation in healthcare", Scientific coordinator
From 01-01-1999 to 31-12-2000
1999: Research activity at L.U.R.E. synchrotron (Laboratoire pour l’Utilisation du Rayonment Electromagnetique), Centre Universitaire Paris Sud, Orsay, France: "micro-SRXF (Synchrotron
Radiation induced X-ray micro-Fluorescence) measurements on plant samples, coming from a heavy metals contaminated site, for the analysis of the partitioning of metals in plant tissues".
Grant number: BA 99-08.
from 06-11-1999 to 08-12-1999
2001: Research activity at L.U.R.E. synchrotron (Laboratoire pour l’Utilisation du Rayonment Electromagnetique), Centre Universitaire Paris Sud, Orsay, France: " Heavy metal localisation
with micro-SRXF in crop plants tissues ". Grant number: BA 001-04
from 14-03-2001 to 12-04-2001
2001: Research activity at BM08 ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ), Grenoble, France, "Investigation of trace metals binding sites within lignin and cellulose molecular structure:
XAFS approach". Grant number: LS-1850
from 07-06-2001 to 10-07-2001
2002: Research activity at L.U.R.E. synchrotron (Laboratoire pour l’Utilisation du Rayonment Electromagnetique), Centre Universitaire Paris Sud, Orsay, France: " Metal localisation on the Ni
hyperaccumulator plant Alyssum bertolonii, and on a related non-hyperaccumulator species Alysssum montanum using micro-SRXF ". Grant number: BA 002-02
from 05-11-2002 to 04-12-2002
2003: Research project at beamline BM08 at ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility), Grenoble, France “Studying Pb atoms embedded in plant organic matrices: EXAFS approach”.
Grant number: ME-760
from 03-03-2003 to 03-04-2003
2004: Research project at BAM beamline at BESSY synchrotron (Berliner
ElektronenSpeicherring gesellschaft für Synchrotronstrahlung), Berlin, Germany: “Characterisation of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants tolerant towards high Cs concentrations: a synchrotron light-based approach". Grant: BESSY_3-CT-2004-506008
from 15-06-2004 to 15-07-2004
2004-2005 OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) number JA00026203 in the framework of: CO-OPERATIVE RESEARCH PROGRAMME: BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS; Topic: Enhancing Environmental Quality in Agricultural Systems. Title of the project "Plant treatment
systems for dairy effluents in Italy and New Zealand"; Massey University, NZ
from 01-10-2004 to 31-03-2005
PRIN 2006-2008 “ Identification of analytical and molecular descriptors for the decontamination capacity of poplar species” Grant number: 2005072892_003. From 30-01-2006 to 30-12-2008
2006: Research project at BAM beamline at BESSY synchrotron (Berliner
ElektronenSpeicherring gesellschaft für Synchrotronstrahlung), Berlin, Germany: “Micro-XANES speciation of Cs within leaves and roots of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants tolerant towards high Cs concentrations". Grant: BESSY_ID.06.1.143
from 15-05-2006 to 15-06-2006
NATO Science For Peace: 2007-2010 “Development of a prototype for the International Situational Centre on Interaction in Case of Ecoterrorism” Grant PDD (TC)-(ESP.NR.NRSFPP 982498), Scientific and organizing responsibilities.
from 01-01-2007 to 31-12-2010
PRIN 2010-2012. Parma Unit P.I. for the project “genes, gene products and functions for the decontamination of metals and nanomaterials in Salicaceae species”. Protocollo: 2008XS9YBC_002 from 01-03-2010 to 30-04-2012
2011: Brian Mason Technical and Scientific Trust grant "Native vegetation to provide trace element micronutrients on Canterbury farms" . Grant number 2010/17, Lincoln University, NZ.
Brian Mason Scientific and Technical Trust (CC11395), Christchurch, NZ.
from 01-01-2011 to 31-12-2011
2012 Short Term Scientific Mission, COST Action FA 0905 on "Mineral Improved crop production for healthy food and feed". At the James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, UK. Grant number:
from 13-08-2012 to 28-10-2012
Research grant: at ELETTRA Trieste: 20165305, 2016-2017
Title: Distribution and quantification of Si and other elements within tomato leaf and fruit at successive maturation stages and under different Si application regimes from 3/11/2017 to 14/11/2017
Research Grant: at ESRF grenoble:LS-2675 "Explaining molecular mechanisms of nanotoxicology: EXAFS applied to study CdS quantum dots in Arabidopsis thaliana" June-2018
Research Grant at ELETTRA Trieste: 20177035 'Role of mitochondrial functions in CdS Quantum dots (QDs) toxicity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae' May-2018


EU TEMPUS-TACIS project JEP-10435-98 "Environmental science in relation to the implication of radiation in healthcare", Scientific coordinator
From 01-01-1999 to 31-12-2000
1999: Research activity at L.U.R.E. synchrotron (Laboratoire pour l’Utilisation du Rayonment Electromagnetique), Centre Universitaire Paris Sud, Orsay, France: "micro-SRXF (Synchrotron
Radiation induced X-ray micro-Fluorescence) measurements on plant samples, coming from a heavy metals contaminated site, for the analysis of the partitioning of metals in plant tissues".
Grant number: BA 99-08.
from 06-11-1999 to 08-12-1999
2001: Research activity at L.U.R.E. synchrotron (Laboratoire pour l’Utilisation du Rayonment Electromagnetique), Centre Universitaire Paris Sud, Orsay, France: " Heavy metal localisation
with micro-SRXF in crop plants tissues ". Grant number: BA 001-04
from 14-03-2001 to 12-04-2001
2001: Research activity at BM08 ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ), Grenoble, France, "Investigation of trace metals binding sites within lignin and cellulose molecular structure:
XAFS approach". Grant number: LS-1850
from 07-06-2001 to 10-07-2001
2002: Research activity at L.U.R.E. synchrotron (Laboratoire pour l’Utilisation du Rayonment Electromagnetique), Centre Universitaire Paris Sud, Orsay, France: " Metal localisation on the Ni
hyperaccumulator plant Alyssum bertolonii, and on a related non-hyperaccumulator species Alysssum montanum using micro-SRXF ". Grant number: BA 002-02
from 05-11-2002 to 04-12-2002
2003: Research project at beamline BM08 at ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility), Grenoble, France “Studying Pb atoms embedded in plant organic matrices: EXAFS approach”.
Grant number: ME-760
from 03-03-2003 to 03-04-2003
2004: Research project at BAM beamline at BESSY synchrotron (Berliner
ElektronenSpeicherring gesellschaft für Synchrotronstrahlung), Berlin, Germany: “Characterisation of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants tolerant towards high Cs concentrations: a synchrotron light-based approach". Grant: BESSY_3-CT-2004-506008
from 15-06-2004 to 15-07-2004
2004-2005 OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) number JA00026203 in the framework of: CO-OPERATIVE RESEARCH PROGRAMME: BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS; Topic: Enhancing Environmental Quality in Agricultural Systems. Title of the project "Plant treatment
systems for dairy effluents in Italy and New Zealand"; Massey University, NZ
from 01-10-2004 to 31-03-2005
PRIN 2006-2008 “ Identification of analytical and molecular descriptors for the decontamination capacity of poplar species” Grant number: 2005072892_003. From 30-01-2006 to 30-12-2008
2006: Research project at BAM beamline at BESSY synchrotron (Berliner
ElektronenSpeicherring gesellschaft für Synchrotronstrahlung), Berlin, Germany: “Micro-XANES speciation of Cs within leaves and roots of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants tolerant towards high Cs concentrations". Grant: BESSY_ID.06.1.143
from 15-05-2006 to 15-06-2006
NATO Science For Peace: 2007-2010 “Development of a prototype for the International Situational Centre on Interaction in Case of Ecoterrorism” Grant PDD (TC)-(ESP.NR.NRSFPP 982498), Scientific and organizing responsibilities.
from 01-01-2007 to 31-12-2010
PRIN 2010-2012. Parma Unit P.I. for the project “genes, gene products and functions for the decontamination of metals and nanomaterials in Salicaceae species”. Protocollo: 2008XS9YBC_002 from 01-03-2010 to 30-04-2012
2011: Brian Mason Technical and Scientific Trust grant "Native vegetation to provide trace element micronutrients on Canterbury farms" . Grant number 2010/17, Lincoln University, NZ.
Brian Mason Scientific and Technical Trust (CC11395), Christchurch, NZ.
from 01-01-2011 to 31-12-2011
2012 Short Term Scientific Mission, COST Action FA 0905 on "Mineral Improved crop production for healthy food and feed". At the James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, UK. Grant number:
from 13-08-2012 to 28-10-2012
Research grant: at ELETTRA Trieste: 20165305, 2016-2017
Title: Distribution and quantification of Si and other elements within tomato leaf and fruit at successive maturation stages and under different Si application regimes from 3/11/2017 to 14/11/2017
Research Grant: at ESRF grenoble:LS-2675 "Explaining molecular mechanisms of nanotoxicology: EXAFS applied to study CdS quantum dots in Arabidopsis thaliana" June-2018
Research Grant at ELETTRA Trieste: 20177035 'Role of mitochondrial functions in CdS Quantum dots (QDs) toxicity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae' May-2018


2008-2010 For the “Biotechnology Research Doctorate School”, University of Parma, XXIII° cycle, I tutored the following thesis: "FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS OF POPLAR (Populus nigra L. and P. nigra x P. deltoids) DURING ENVIRONMENTAL EXPOSURE TO METALS”, Candidate Davide Imperiale
from 01-01-2008 to 31-12-2010
2010 al 2016 (cycles XXVI al XXXII) I am a member of the College of Doctoral Lecturers for the Doctorate in "BIOTECNOLOGIES", University of Parma
From 29-10-2010 current
2011-2013 For the “Biotechnology Research Doctorate School”, University of Parma, XXVI° cycle, I tutored the following thesis: "Biotechnology of Arsenic Uptake and Translocation in Plants (Solanum lycopersicum)", Candidate Veronica Pigoni.
from 01-01-2011 to 31-12-2013
2011-2013 For the “Biotechnology Research Doctorate School”, University of Parma, XXVI° cycle, I tutored the following thesis: "Biotechnologies of nanoparticle Interactions with Plants and Yeast", Candidate: Luca Pagano
from 01-01-2011 tol 31-12-2013
2015-2017 For the “Biotechnology Research Doctorate School”, University of Parma, XXX° cycle, I tutored the following thesis: "Proteomics of cells-nanoparticles interaction: from bacteria to human cells Protein profiling of model organisms exposed to nanoparticles", Candidate: Valentina Gallo
from 01-01-2015 to 31-12-2017


Teaching and tutoring during the collaborative project: EU TEMPUS-TACIS project JEP-10435-98 "Environmental science in relation to the implication of radiation in healthcare"
from 01-01-1999 to 31-12-2000
2003-2009: For 6 years I taught the course in "Fitoremediation" for the University Internation Master Course of level II: " Science and Technology for Sustainable Development of Contaminated Sites " Organized by the University of Parma, in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences di Mittweida (Germania) and the Zhitomir State Technological University (Ucraina).
from 01-02-2003 to 31-05-2009
2004-2005: "External examiner for the Doctoral Research Committee at Massey University, NZ",
Coordinated by Prof. E. Kemp, Supervisor Prof. B. Stuart. In particular for the evaluation of the candidate Dr. Fabio Netto Moreno, title of the Ph.D. thesis: "Phytoremediation of
Mercury-Contaminated Mine Wastes", with Prof. M. Veiga (University of British Columbia, Canada), and Prof. Nanthi Bolan (Massey University, NZ)
from 20-10-2004 to 10-01-2005
Since 2007: I have been teaching “Fitoremediation” in the 1st year of the specialized master “Scienze e Tecnologie per l'Ambiente e le Risorse (STAR)” (Science and technology for the environment and land), Università di Parma.
from 01-01-2007 current
2008-2010. I taught “General Biology” in the 1st year of the specialized post-grad master course "Science and Technology of Innovative Materials" , Università di Parma.
from 01-01-2008 to 01-01-2010
Since 2008: I have been teaching “Applied Biotechnology” in the 2nd year of the master course in Biotechnology, Università di Parma,
From 01-01-2008 current
4 Sept 2012, Lecture at The James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, UK, on "Influence of Biochar on
Mineral Nutrition in Plants"
6 June 2013: Lecturer for the COST ACTION FA 0905 "School of Plant Proteomics", Department
of Life Sciences University of Parma - Italy
from 06-06-2013 to 06-06-2013
14 October 2016: Lecture at Stockbridge School of Agricolture, University of Massachusetts (UMass), Amherst, MS,USA, on "The impact of Quantum Dots ENM on Model Organisms

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2024/2025

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Anno accademico di erogazione: 2021/2022

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2020/2021

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2019/2020

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2018/2019

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2017/2018

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2016/2017

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2015/2016

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2014/2015

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2013/2014




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